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Friday, March 14, 2025
call now 602-midwife (602-643-9433)

midwife-sweater-purple-600sqA midwife is responsible for all pre-natal care during pregnancy, will guide through labor and birth, and care for the newborn. She responds to the woman as a caring and collaborative partner, highly trained to work with each unique situation, and offers advice and support to the mother as needed. Just a phone call away, she is an invaluable birth team member to answer a mother's questions or concerns. A midwife gets to know her client and she builds a lasting relationship with her.

As the due date closes in the midwife closely monitors the mother and anticipates the birth with excitement - really she can hardly wait for the call! From the onset of labor the midwife is present to assist. With the mother being the central decision maker regarding the birth and her child, the midwife is familiar with the desires of the mother, she is supportive while quietly monitoring the progress of the mother and baby. While mother is laboring the midwife may offer suggestions on easing contractions, reassure or calm the mother, whilst also ensuring the birth is progressing naturally.

Once the new baby has been born, the midwife will support both mother in helping her to get the baby to suckle for the first time. When the time comes she will cut the cord, clean baby, and perform all the required newborn tests. After the birth she provides postpartum care of the infant as well as the mother, with visits that offer a deeper level of caring than a standard doctor visit.

Midwives are state licensed and nationally certified to care for low-risk, healthy women. Specializing in home birth and supporting a mother who prefers to have a baby without anesthesia (epidural). A midwife will allow a woman to have a birth experience using the natural childbirth techniques she has chosen. 

What Moms Say About Their Midwife

From our client testimonials and stories pages.

"She gave me the courage to do things I wasn't sure about and the knowledge about things I had no idea about!"
  -- Kursta Robinson

"She really upheld the sacred space of my bedroom when I was laboring and encouraged me after birth to BE with my newborn."
  -- Katie Mullins

"She gave us peace of mind and reassurance as we navigated our first birth."
  -- Melissa Kohler

"You become part of her family when you receive care from her."
  -- Sara Walters

"She has exceeded my expectations, which is not an easy thing to do."
  -- Naomi Thomas

"I have online access to everything, my notes, stats, ultrasound reports, whenever I want which makes me feel in control and informed."
  -- Tikla Fife

"She also helped keep me focused, and kept encouraging me every step of the way."
  -- Evelyn Hernandez

"If you are looking for a kind, genuine, knowledgeable individual that will respect your birthing preferences for what they are, Alicia is a perfect fit for you."
  -- Marie Repec

"She never rushed us through appointments - we always felt like she was there to answer all of our questions."
  -- Danielle Hazeltine

"She is knowledgeable and always had the answers that I needed in time of concern/panic."
  -- Heather Groom

"Her gentle presence was part of what made our birth excellent!"
  -- Melissa Kohler

"I want you to know from my heart that I think you are truly wonderful at what you do.  My birth would not have been the same without you there."
  -- Sara Ann Tyler